Truth in the Time of the Signs

Pursuit of Knowledge

The amount of data we produce every day is truly mind-boggling. There are 2.5 quintillion bytes of data created each day at our current pace, but that pace is rapidly accelerating with the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT).[1]


  • More than 4.93 billion humans use the internet (that’s a growth rate of 9.0% in 2018 over 2017).
  • Worldwide there are 5.6 billion Internet searches a day on Google alone who have a 91% market share.

According to Domo’s Data Never Sleeps 7.0 reports, these are numbers generated every minute of the day;

  • 390,030 Apps are downloaded 
  • 18,100,000 texts are sent 
  • Tinder users swipe 1,400,000 times 
  • UBER takes 9,772 rides 
  • 55,140 photos and 277,777 stories are posted on Instagram 
  • 188,000,000 emails are sent 
  • 4,500,000 videos are viewed on Youtube 
  • Netflix streams 694,444 hours of video 
  • 511,200 Tweets are sent 
  • GIPHY provides 4,800,000 gifts 
  • SKYPE users make 231,840 calls 
  • VENMO processes $162,037 worth of transactions

Snapchat users share 2,083,333 photos (up from 527,760 in the 5.0 report)

Users watch 4,333,560 YouTube videos.

473,400 tweets are sent on Twitter.

Instagram users post 49,380 photos (up from 46,740 in the 5.0 report).

We send 12,986,111 text messages.

The Weather Channel receives 18,055,556 forecast requests

Venmo processes $68,493 peer-to-peer transactions (up from $51,892 in the 5.0 report)

Spotify streams 750,000 songs.

156 million emails are sent worldwide

103,447,520 spam emails are sent

There are 176,220 calls on Skype (up from 154,200 in the 5.0 report)

Google conducts 3,877,140 searches.

600 new page edits to Wikipedia

Internet of things (IoT) world map with connected devices

Facebook now boasts:

  • 2.38 billion active users.
  • 1.56 billion people are active on Facebook daily.
  • Five new profiles created every second.
  • More than 300 million photos get uploaded per day.
  • Every minute there are 510,000 comments posted and 293,000 statuses updated.


  • There are 1 billion monthly users; 500 million of whom are active every day.
  • Each day 95 million photos and videos are shared on Instagram.
  • 500 million people use the Instagram “stories” feature daily.

Internet of Things

The Internet of Things – connected “smart” devices that interact with each other and us while collecting all kinds of data – is exploding from 2 billion devices in 2006 to a projected 200 billion by 2020. This is one of the primary drivers for our data vaults exploding as well.  Let’s take a look at just some of the stats and predictions for just one type of device, voice search:

  • There are 33 million voice-first devices in circulation with some predicting as many as 50 billion by 2020.[2]
  • 8 million people use voice control each month.
  • Voice search queries in Google for 2016 were up 35 times over 2008.

Advancement of science and invention

Scientific discoveries and new inventions proceed at a blistering pace. According to the US Patent Office, over the last 50 years the number of annual patents increased from about 50,000 to more than 325,000.[3] 

This massive rate of change is graphically illustrated by the Buckminster Fuller Knowledge Doubling Curve, with post-1982 addition by IBM.

What does this mean?

It means we are living in the days of knowledge and the pursuit of knowledge, foretold nearly 3,000 years ago, long before the internal combustion engine and long before modern computers.  So how did they know?

Daniel 12: 4 –But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end.  Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.

What else does the Bible tell us?– The Future

What does that mean for you?– Good News

[1]Forbes 21stMay 2018

[2]Learning Solutions

[3]Learning Solutions


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