Truth in the Time of the Signs

Growth of the Sciences

In less than 100 years we have:

  • Identified and understood universal laws such as the Theory of Relativity. 
  • Discovered the vastness of the Universe.
  • Discovered atoms and their structure.
  • Developed jet engines.
  • Landed on the Moon.
  • Sent space craft to Mars and far into the Universe.
  • Developed nuclear power and nuclear weapons.
  • Discovered the structure of DNA and sequenced the human genome. 
  • Developed computers of incredible power and sophistication.
  • Started developing Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.
  • Extended our life expectancy to nearly twice as long today as our ancestors had in 1900.
  • Started transplanting organs.
  • Substantially replaced cash with electronic forms of payments.
  • Developed vaccines and antibiotics to treat numerous previously incurable diseases.
  • Transformed travel and communications globally.

The widely recognised categories of Science are;

  1. Formal Sciences – such as Mathematics, Metrology and Logic.
  2. Natural Sciences – including Biology, Chemistry and Earth.
  3. Engineering and Technology – covering Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.
  4. Medical and Health Sciences – some examples are Anatomy, Cardiology, Genetics and Medicine.
  5. Agricultural Sciences – the practice and understanding of agriculture.
  6. Social Sciences – Psychology – the study of the mental process and behaviour 
  7. Humanities – disciplines that study the human condition.

The ‘sciences’ have grown to such an extent that there are now in excess of 633 sciences, arts and studies ranging from the common (chemistry) to the obscure peristerophily (pigeon collecting)).  Over the past century, the range and scope of scientific endeavours have expanded exponentially, so that practically any field of study has a name associated with it.  Most of these terms end in ‘ology’, from the Greek logos, meaning ‘word’.[1]

What does this mean?

It means we are living in the days of knowledge, foretold nearly 3,000 years ago, but our use of and reliance on our own ‘knowledge’ comes with warnings.

Daniel 12: 4 –But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end.  Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.

Isaiah 47: 10 – 11– Your wisdom and knowledge mislead you when you say to yourself, ‘I am, and there is none besides me.’  Disaster will come upon you, and you will not know how to conjure it away.  A calamity will fall upon you that you cannot ward off with a ransom; a catastrophe you cannot foresee will suddenly come upon you.

What else does the Bible tell us?– The Future

What does that mean for you?– Good News

[1]The Phronsistery – 2014


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